Service at site
Experienced service technicians for Artos, Krantz, Stentex, Müller, and Hacoba - troubleshooting, maintenance, and optimization for maximum efficiency.
Interspare offers Service at site for machines of the brands Artos, Krantz, Stentex, Müller and Hacoba. Our service technicians have the best know-how concerning the machines of our above mentioned brands because of their experience since many decades. This way our staff can help your employees in cases of arising problems. They can also localize appearing errors, examine the production line in matters of security and production preparedness, identify wear parts, optimize production procedures and recommend improvements – to mention only a few aspects.
By the way an annual maintenance would reduce the risk of a machine stop significantly and would also prevent the increasing wearing of machine parts. Moreover a well set machine is also energy efficient. In relation to these cost-reducing methods a maintenance contract is a good investment which maintains the value of the machine for a very long time.
We would gladly like to submit an appropriate offer to you.
Therefore please contact Mr. Hassan Morrhad:
Telephone: +49 40 727 767 – 36
Fax: +49 40 727 767 – 536