Customized plant expansions

Grow with the market: Boost efficiency and production capacity

The extensions

Growing together with the market

It is possible to increase the capacity of your production line, for example by additional stenter frame and/or dryer compartments as well as components which extend the production possibilities.

Selvedge cutting device

Our selvedge cutting device secures a minimal waste of cut selvedges. It is an optimal extension of your Krantz K30 stenter frame for the production of high quality

Extension of the stenter frame

A new stenter frame is not always necessary – our stenter frame extensions are more efficient than you may expect.

Combination chain

We would gladly like to accompany the extension of your production from pin or clip to combination (pin and clip) chain. With our components this can be realized without problems.

Here you can find our brochure on the topic of extension.

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