VSW Meeting 2016 in Reinbek at Interspare

The 13.04.2016 the regional meeting in Reinbek of the VSW (union and service organisation of the economic region Holstein and Hamburg) took place at Interspare. The CEO of the VSW, Mrs Nicole Marquardsen, invited owners and employees of companys of the region. Furthermore Mr Björn Warmer, mayor of Reinbek, Mr Michael Pohle, representative for economic issues of Reinbek, and Mr Detlev Hinselmann, CEO of the WAS (economic organisation of Stormarn) joined the meeting. 

The CEO of Interspare, Mr Dirk Polchow, informed the guests with a presentation regarding the development and the values of the company. Afterwards he explained the products with focus on new machines during an on-site inspection together with Mr Hartmut Büchner, Commercial Manager of Interspare. 

Additionally all guests were informed about regional news and could talk about it. The topics were the planned extension of the bus connection in the industry area, the house building and the restoration of the schools.


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Die ITMA kehrt 2023 wieder nach Mailand zurück und iNTERSPARE freut sich auch hier wieder sich und sein Portfolio als Austeller zu präsentieren. Besuchen Sie uns auf der Itma Mailand vom 08. - 14. Juni 2023 in Halle 14 Stand A102

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Rückblick ITMA 2019. Im Interview mit unserem Geschäftsführer Herrn D. Polchow.

Rückblick ITMA 2019 Messestand Interspare

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